Sean ConneryHe has been with us on the silver screen since the 1960s, James Bond. The agent extraordionar that men want to be, women want to fall in bed with (let's face, a lot of men want to fall in bed with too). He can wield a gun, get out of any tricky situation, make the ladies swoon with a look and probably make a mean Vodka Martini (shaken not stirred, naturally).
George Lazenby We have seen him in many guises from Sean Connery to Daniel Craig with a very short guest apperance by George Lazenby. The man and agent has made a journey through the decades and has had to adapt to the times in hand. What was apropriate in the 1960s doesn't necessarily apply in the 21st century. And his boss, M, has gone through a sex change and become a woman.
Britt Ekland
The women or the Bond Girls as the real title is, have also gone through a major transformation. You can see how the role of the women have changed in society when watching the different Bond films. She has gone from a helpless woman that needs to be rescued by James Bond to holding her own.
Roger MooreThe man himself has changed through the way the actors have chosen to portray the agent. Sean Connery, Timothy Dalton and Daniel Craig delievers a rougher character while Roger Moore and Goerge Lazenby plays it more tongue in cheek.
Maud AdamsThe way the women dresses have also changed from scantily clad to a more covered apperance. Now it is Daniel Craig who runs around in a speedo. The agent has become a sex symbol, something to lust after.
Timothy Dalton No matter who has stepped into the shoes of James Bond the shoes have been stylish and he has been dressed impeccably. You can never go wrong with a tuxedo.
Kristina WaybornThe production company has had the good taste of using a bundle of Swedish women as their eye candy. Maud Adams is also the only woman in the world who has been a Bond Girl twice. (Yes, Tony, apparently a third time in a blink and you missed her moment in A View to a Kill.)
Pierce BrosnanAfter a few years of a semi retirement due to legal battles with who had the rights to the James Bond concept he was restored to his former glory in the guise of Pierce Brosnan, and with more wads of cash in the treasure chest.
Mary StavinIn actual fact, Maud Adams isn't the only woman who has appeard twice in a Bond film and I don't mean MoneyPenny. The Swedish girl, Mary Stavin, plays Kimberly Jones in the beginning of A View to a Kill but she is also one of the background girls with one single line in Octopussy.
Daniel CraigDaniel Craig has now two films under his belt as our beloved agent and a third one is under way. Casino Royale was really good but A Quantum of Solace was a let down. The future will tell what happens to our British saviour.
Izabella Scorupco And we can never forget the fantastic music that this series of films have delievered us.
Who wouldn't like to be James Bond? Adventure, great gadgets, beautiful women and Vodka Martinis. What else could you ask for?
Perhaps a Daniel Craig in only speedos coming towards you from the water.
PS. I just remembered. Eva Green who is plays against Daniel Craig belongs to the Swedish Bond Girls. She is half Swedish but I think that should count. DS.
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