I absolutely love this style that he has above. Very Lord of the Manor. I know the picture is a bit old but that style never goes out of fashion and I like to wear it.

Very few stars have had the commercial impact that David Beckham has generated. Mobile phones, shaving gear and underwear are only a few of the products he has endorsed and he is truly a power brand in himself.

The hat is bit too big for him but I suppose we can forgive for that one. He is one of the men (or perhaps the man) that have heightened the interest in football in places where you thought it would never blossom. Large are the number of women and men that would like to get to know David Beckham a little bit better off pitch.

The football career is dwindling, and I wonder if it was such a good move to pull up and move to the USA. David Beckham is a footballer who in the future will be remembered for his hair styles, his clothes and his persona just as much as his ability as a player.
Funnily, you just want to watch the pictures and see him in action on the field. When he speaks the image cracks.
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