Karin Malm
Central St Martins is the best fashion college in the world, according to me. Parsons and the like have to excuse. The final shows are always a treat and the creativity is large. Above we see the work of Karin Malm from Sweden from the final show 2010. You clearly see the Scandinavian simplicity and being Scandinavian I like what I see.

Perhaps not so much Scandinavian in Anne-Karine's outfit but it is definitely intriguing and promises a hefty dose of creativity in her as a designer.

Lee Roach
I like the simplicity of Lee Roach's outfit and I have always been a sucker för black. On the other hand I don't like the sandals and the silk stockings but who says that you have to buy it right off.

I like Kwan's outfit, mostly because of the sci-fi feel. Science fiction films and tv-series have always been a great source of inspiration for me and then particularily the shows from the 1960s and the 1970s.

Onez Lau
I think the outfit above is fun. Reminds me of my Space Viking collection. It is funny how influences and styles return and how some seem to be on constant repeat. Today everything is more mingled than before and different styles seem to return faster and faster.

Zoe Cheng

Zoe Cheng's dresses are beautiful and fascinating. Perhaps not so wearable but clothes made at Central St Martins and other fashion colleges don't necessarily have so much to do with comfort and wearability. Creativity and a talent for thinking outside the box is what is of importance, and they should definitely take the opportunity because out in the real world everything is controlled by the mighty pound.
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