The Tudors amused us through some seasons with fantastic period clothes, a history lesson of sorts and graphic sex. No wonder it was so popular. The story had been told before and the ones who know their English history knew what was going to pass, but as everything else in the world it's all in the packaging. And The Tudors was packaged like it was a Sex and the City but with kings of the 16th century.

Wouldn't it be yummy if we today could walk around like the noble men of the 16th century. That would be a jaw dropper, wouldn't it? To see a man walk down the streets of Paris or London or the alike in full regalia. To go all in would be to go far I presume, but of course there must be details that we can adopt to present day of dressing. I think it would be quite fun to try at least.

It is a bit mind blowing to think that my ancestors walked around in such clothes. That my ancestor Erik XIV courted for the hand of Henry VIII's daughter, Elizabeth. That two of his siblings, Johan and Elisabet spent much time at the English court, and that The Virgin Queen became the godmother to Elisabet's son, Erik XIV's nephew.

The intrigues of those times were magnificent, and of course written by the victors to put themselves in the best of lights. No wonder that it lends itself so well to television.

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