Sometimes you just have to go out and let your hair down. It's especially fun if you leave your regular environment, stay at a hotel and enjoy the hotel breakfast the day after. Sleeping over at a hotel when painting the town red is great because you can roll out of bed and leave it to its destiny and have a glutonous injection of protein at the breakfast buffet.
We are smiling sweetly because we had just devoured very tasty lobsters and were sufficiently marinated in white wine. After that we frequented a few places at quite a fast pace.
Big friends of black, dead gorgeous and with money to burn we were a success of unprecedented magnitude ... or we can at least let ourselves believe that. ;-)


Surrounding yourself with beautiful and nice people always heightens your own image.

Waiting for food when starving is always torture.

Nice, white teeth.

I took his cap.
And yet again it is evident that caps and hats are not for me.
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