tisdag 18 december 2012

Hackett fall 2012

The end of 2012 is near and I think we will still be here in the beginning of 2013 as well. We will have time for the upcoming sales and why not splash out on some of this season's delights from Hackett. I'm not so sure about the check trousers but to each his own.


onsdag 12 december 2012

Photoshoot in Old Town Stockholm

Photo by Johan Dunder.
It is high time to introduce some other people in what I now call the Berkhamsted Family. I have a lovely photographer by the name Johan Dunder in Stockholm. He handed me a good model on a silver platter, Peder Rådström. Really handsome in real life but Johan manages to make him even more beautiful. I had some good fun with these two guys on a photoshoot on a chilly afternoon in Old Town Stockholm.
Thanks guys! Love!!

söndag 9 december 2012

He Won!!!!!!

Photo by Kim Höglund

Meet Jari Ketola, winner of Best Personal Trainer of the Year in Sweden 2012!!!!!!!!

Congratulations Jari!!!

I really know how to pick my models.


fredag 7 december 2012

So sweet ... !!

Jari with my beautiful God-daughter, Molly.


tisdag 4 december 2012

Beauty by Berkhamsted II

Outside the door of my relative's mansion we took this picture of these beautiful people. From left to right we have Elin, Jari and Ellen. Elin has been my student and what a gorgeuos young woman she is. Jari is a new acquintance. I will deal with him later. Ellen is also a beautiful, young woman. Naturally, she is related to me. Beauty runs in the family.


fredag 30 november 2012

Beauty by Berkhamsted

Caroline Gärde & Jari Ketola

Earlier this autumn we had a photo shoot at a relative's mansion for the catalogue for the Spring Collection 2013. Berkhamsted just makes menswear, so far, but we still wanted some beautiful women in the mix. Jari wears a shirt from Berkhamsted and Caroline is donned in clothes from Swedish clothing chain Gina Tricot.

Caroline has been my work mate. Jari is a new acquitance. It is quite evident that both of them won first prize in the genetical draw, which make them perfect candidates for promoting my label.

Beauty for and by Berkhamsted.


torsdag 29 november 2012

Berkhamsted Castle

When me and my partner/relative David decided to go on this adventure we decided on storytelling as a tool to seperate us from the rest. We made the decision to use the family tree. It is only collecting dust anyway. Way back in history we have one of our first known ancestors, William the Conqueror. As the Duke of Normandy he decided to invade England and succeeded in doing so in the famous battle at Hastings in 1066.

North of London is a place called Berkhamsted. Here there was a forification already in Saxon times but William started the new building in 1066. He later left the castle to his half-brother, Robert. Since 1337 Berkhamsted castle has been in the posession of the Duchy of Cornwall and the ruins that are left today are in the care of The English Heritage.

We thought about different names for our label of menswear and came to the conclusion that the name of our ancestor's old castle was nothing short of perfect.



Me and Berkhamsted

Yes, I have the pure audacity to use myself in the advertising of my label, Berkhamsted. Remember that name!! I naturally have other models to show off my clothes. Models more mouth watering than me but all in good time. I won't reveal everything at once.

The shirt I'm wearing is part of the Spring Collection 2013. You only see part of it here but will in a day or two be shown to you on a very handsome and well built model.

To be continued ...


onsdag 28 november 2012

The Bitch is Back

Photo by Johan Dunder.

I haven't graced the social media in quite some time, which in blogging terms is the same as suicide. I have been busy, really busy.

Instead of only writing about fashion I decided to dictate it. A relative and me have started a company and will launch a new menswear label. The name is Berkhamsted.

The name is taken from a fortress that was built in 1066 on order by our ancestor, William the Conqueror.

I will reveal more in pieces and hopefully keep you curious.

From time to time I will also write about other fashions that I like.


torsdag 10 maj 2012

Hackett Outfit

 By now you are probably aware of that I'm a sucker for the preppy style. One brand that delivers that style in spades is Hackett. I like this ensemble that I can mix together from the new items. A pair of pink chinos, a fuscia polo shirt and a light blue jacket. A sure fire hit for a nice summer's day. And if that colour combination doesn't get you some attention nothing will.


tisdag 8 maj 2012

Kayla Ferrel

At the moment at TV near me they are airing America's Next Top Model All Star Season. Tyra Banks has brought back what she considered to be the favourites of the public. The last episode I watched Kayla Ferrel was sent packing. Made me sad because I think that Kayla is a real knockout. Now I hope that Lisa is the one to take the big prize.


lördag 5 maj 2012

Take the plunge

I suppose there is a risk that my posting will be a bit sporadic in the nearest future. I have embarked on a new, big project. Perhaps the biggest project of my life. I will join ranks with the designers and such that I write about here. I'm creating my own clothing brand and the launch will be in the fall of 2012. At least if we can keep to our time plan.

I will keep you posted. Stay tuned.

Life is too short to second guess yourself, too short to not take chances, too short to not take the plunge.

So I did ...


lördag 28 april 2012


I was out yesterday drinking far too much champagne which of course leads to that the brain isn't functioning properly today. I'm pissed off about an old lover as sometimes you do. Done extensive window shopping, eaten some oysters and had som more wine. It is bloody well time for an infusion of luxury and Buberry will more then suffice.


torsdag 26 april 2012

Mulberry 2012

For this season Mulberry has raided the 1970s candy shop. I like the 70s feel and is always fun but yellow is a colour that is hard to pull off. You are most likely to end up looking like a chicken.


tisdag 24 april 2012

Barker Grant Brogue Suede Oxford Shoes

I have had a bit of a cold te last two days and its not gone yet. As you know there are few things as pathetic as a man with a cold. I feel cranky and a real baby. When I was a child my grandfather used buy me icecream when I had a cold. Icecream works today as well but what would work even better is a pair of these shoes.

Did I mention that my birthday is coming up?


tisdag 17 april 2012


Roberto Cavalli is one of those designers whose clothes are a mix of rockn'roll, luxury and just a little bit too much. Both the advertising for his main brand and for Just Cavalli is highly sexualised. I suppose that is why it hits home with me.


måndag 16 april 2012

Bad Taste

Just a minute ago they sent a preview programme for the Eurovision Songcontest. Painful from beginning to end of bad English, drab decor, bad music and absolutely hideous clothes. A fashion intervention NOW!


söndag 15 april 2012

Reiss Spring/Summer 2012

As always the company Reiss delivers trusty pieces that are classical and never too much. If you want too much you have to set your sights elsewhere. Reiss is as all the others following the season's current trend of more or less vibrant colours. If you want a safe bet in ýour wardrobe you go with Reiss.


lördag 14 april 2012

Memories of Summer

Memories of Summer. More to be find in the book Made in Brazil #4.


torsdag 12 april 2012

Hermes Spring/Summer 2012

Hermes makes bags that some women seem to be able to kill for. Well at least sign on a waiting list and pay a sum that could finance a proper trip to the other side of the world. Hermes has been around for quite some time and isn't exactly what we associate with fashion forwardness but they live on old and hard earned laurels. Another thing that a lot of women consider to be a must have in their wardrobe is a Hermes scarf.

Even though Hermes makes menswear (and other things naturally) I personally think that it feels like a woman's label. Men don't feel that they need to break their necks och bust their bank balance for a jacket or a pair of trousers from Hermes like they would be more likely to do for Hugo Boss, Armani or Burberry. As a man's label Hermes is quite anonymous which is of course a bit strange. The quality is excellent, the prices are over the top like all luxury brands and their clothes are not particularily different from the other labels mentioned above. So what is it down to? Marketing and the building of brand value. Hermes has all the necessary assets. Now it is all done to the packaging.


onsdag 11 april 2012

Herb Ritts L.A. Style

At the moment there is an ongoing exhibition at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles of a selection of the lifework of photographer Herb Ritts. The exhibition will run until the 26th of August. With the exhibition in mind there is book out called Herb Ritts L.A. Style. You can get in bookshops and of course at the glorious place called Amazon. Herb Ritts tragically left us too soon but we still have his work to dazzle our everyday life. What wou;ldn't I have given to be photographed by him?!


tisdag 10 april 2012

John Lewis

John Lewis is a chain of shops that have been around for ages in England. One of their flagships is Peter Jones at Sloane Square. I walked past there today and saw some lovely shoes in the window. Who could resist loving a violet shoe like the one above?! You can stroll into one of their shops or visit their webshop at www.johnlewis.com. So many great shoes and I want all of these. I wonder of John Lewis could consider sponsring me?


måndag 9 april 2012

Hannah Warner

Hannah Warner is a brand of jewellers to keep an eye on and I think the coral collection is the best of the bunch.


söndag 8 april 2012


When in England you get reminded by brands that you tned to forget otherwise like the ultra English Jaeger. Understated fashion that puts the E back into English but perhaps not much to write home about.

fredag 6 april 2012

Happy Easter in |Yellow

In England at the moment. My second home. It's Easter and I hope you have a happy one. Perfect opportunity to wear yellow. One of the trendy colours of the season but not one of the easiest colours to wear. It's an entirely different matter if you are Angelina Jolie. Then everything looks good.

torsdag 5 april 2012

Lee Bag

As with clothes and shoes I can feel the need to buy a bag or two even it it is totally unnecessary. If you have a set household and a fixed income life isn't so much about needs but about wants. I surfed past Lee's webpage and found this denim bag for about £80. I have enough bags but sadly, especially for my economy I could still consider acquiring it.


tisdag 3 april 2012

Gucci Spring 2012 Ad Campaign

A cold spell has returned to Sweden. Then why not soak yourself in guilty pleasures like Gucci. Effortless and in most cases totally useless luxury. Looks good, makes an impact, is pirate copied from here to eternity, costs an arm and a leg and can turn a grey and gloomy day into something spectacular. And if nothing else an elegant advertising campaign can distract the atention away from not the best text in the world.
