tisdag 18 december 2012

Hackett fall 2012

The end of 2012 is near and I think we will still be here in the beginning of 2013 as well. We will have time for the upcoming sales and why not splash out on some of this season's delights from Hackett. I'm not so sure about the check trousers but to each his own.


onsdag 12 december 2012

Photoshoot in Old Town Stockholm

Photo by Johan Dunder.
It is high time to introduce some other people in what I now call the Berkhamsted Family. I have a lovely photographer by the name Johan Dunder in Stockholm. He handed me a good model on a silver platter, Peder Rådström. Really handsome in real life but Johan manages to make him even more beautiful. I had some good fun with these two guys on a photoshoot on a chilly afternoon in Old Town Stockholm.
Thanks guys! Love!!

söndag 9 december 2012

He Won!!!!!!

Photo by Kim Höglund

Meet Jari Ketola, winner of Best Personal Trainer of the Year in Sweden 2012!!!!!!!!

Congratulations Jari!!!

I really know how to pick my models.


fredag 7 december 2012

So sweet ... !!

Jari with my beautiful God-daughter, Molly.


tisdag 4 december 2012

Beauty by Berkhamsted II

Outside the door of my relative's mansion we took this picture of these beautiful people. From left to right we have Elin, Jari and Ellen. Elin has been my student and what a gorgeuos young woman she is. Jari is a new acquintance. I will deal with him later. Ellen is also a beautiful, young woman. Naturally, she is related to me. Beauty runs in the family.
