fredag 30 mars 2012

Leather Jacket

I need a black leather jacket. Need is as usual too strong of a word. I don't NEED it. I WANT one. Big difference! For some inexplicable reason I want a jacket like the one above or one that looks quite similar even though I have more clothes then I have time to wear. Odd isn't it? Luckily I have my therapist on speed dial.
I also need ... want, well you get the picture, a grey jacket that will go well with a pair of wine red trousers that I'm planning to buy. Oh dear! My bank account just started to shed tears of blood.

onsdag 28 mars 2012

Alexander McQueen Accessories

Since I'm a sucker for skulls andf skull prints I like these two accessories from Alexander McQueen. The cuff links are £130 and highly desirable, at least if you ask me. The cane needs to be ordered if i understand it correctly and the price is probably depending on measurements and the like. I don't really need a cane, not yet anyway, but I could still consider getting one.


tisdag 27 mars 2012

Nicole Farhi Fall 2012

For fall 2012 Nicole Farhi presents sleek elegance and longlasting fashion. The clothes feel contempary but yet they are clothes that should be able to be used season after season. Nicole Farhi continues to be a strong brand for classical clothes and British fashion.


måndag 26 mars 2012

Tiger of Sweden

Two examples of jackets from the spring collection of the brand Tiger of Sweden. I like the grey one for it's simplicity and it would go well with some wine red trosuers that i plan to buy. A bargain or an offence (depending on what you think) for £300.

I have been a total sucker for shades of purple for a while now. I like this jacket but there is one thing that sets me off. It's prized at £500 and has no proper lining. In my book, that doesn't fly.


söndag 25 mars 2012

Hugo Boss Advertising 2012

Hugo Boss continues to dish out great advertising. Wonderfully easy on the eyes.


lördag 24 mars 2012

Alexander McQueen

The house of Alexander McQueen is still vital and strong. Sarah Burton keeps the legacy in full force and you can feel the spirit of McQueen in the creations. A preview of what we can expect later in 2012. Romantic with a touch of 19th century boduoir. Nothing short of spectacular.


torsdag 22 mars 2012

Jean-Paul Gaultier Menswear

And some examples from Jean-Paul Gaultier's menswear collection for fall 2012. I think that Gaultier's individual and personal voice is stronger when it comes to the menswear in context to the womenswear.


Jean-Paul Gaultier Fall 2012

Gaultier has done what I think is a smashing collection for fall 2012. I like the black, the leather and the feeling of rock and roll. He creates a more sophisticated look nowadays than earlier but he still has some quirky details which brings the creations to a new level.

Killer shoes!

Darling Gaultier!

Tom Ford Fall 2012

Tom Ford cunningly releases his fall collection later than others. The man is nothing short of a creative and marketing genius. The things we have seen is the stunning dress worn by Gwyneth Paltrwo and now a preview of the collection. I stumled across it because one of Nina Garcia's tweets on Twitter. Watch it here. It is so good. So good I could consider becoming a woman just to be able to wear them. And Tom Ford I would marry in an instanst, but I don't need to turn into a woman for that.


Balmain Fall Collection 2012

I'm more than a little bit in love with the clothes from Balmain that will hit the shops the coming autumn. If you put something dark blue on the market I'm there like a shot. And I have always had a thing for double breasted jackets. To continue I really like the combination of red and dark blue. They have ticked all the marks of the things that gets me going. So, who do I need to jump into bed with to get every single piece of the collection?


tisdag 20 mars 2012

Kylie Minogue + Jean-Paul Gaultier

Two of my favourites in one. Delicious pop princess, Kylie Minogue, in a dress from l'enfant terrible Jean-Paul Gaultier. If we had had Pierre et Gilles in the mix we would have touched perfection.

måndag 19 mars 2012

Versace Fall 2012

For fall 2012 it looks like the house of Versace wants us to be goth like dark one moment and colourful as the rainbow the next. I like the glamorous darkness á la Underworld. It's dark, lucious and seductive like the best and darkest chocolate from Leonadis. If that gets your world rocking you should jump on the Versace band wagoon. But just as really dark chocolate you usually just need one piece or two before it gets too rich.

And, somebody, help that male model. It looks like someone threw up on him.


fredag 16 mars 2012

Givenchy Menswear Fall 2012

The menswear collection for Givenchy fall 2012 has its highs and lows. I like the browns and blacks and I also like the shiny materials. In some way it feels new and that is what we all crave for no matter if we are bloggers, editors or consumers, always something new. The nose rings feels a bit like an effort that could have been so much bigger. If you want to make a statement, think big. One think that disturb me is that some of the models look like children which is a bit off putting for me. Givenchy is also showing skirts/kilts and I do like everyone who pushes the envelope when it comes to menswear but if you are going to do something, make it look good.


torsdag 15 mars 2012

Karl Lagerfeld 2012

Karl Lagerfeld is somewhat of an enigma. Let's face it, he is getting a bit long in the tooth but still seems to have a keen sense of what is youthful and young. The examples above is from the current collection and they feel modern and fashion forward. They also feel a bit military and German but that could just be a prejudistic view on my part.


onsdag 14 mars 2012

Manolo Blahnik 2012

When Sex and the City disappeared from our screens Manolo Blahnik lost years of intense media exposure, but there are always reruns. When I lived in Battersea I walked past the Manolo Blahnik shop quite often because I had a friend who lived on Christchurch Street. Blahnik was big before SATC and will continue to be so as the shoes from his spring collection for 2012 clearly shows.


tisdag 13 mars 2012

James Bond - Style through the Decades

James Bond has been with us on the silver screen for decades. Through that time lots of things have changed. Women's position in society is different, and the Bond girl today is more take charge than the damsel in distress that she was in the early films. Even the role of the man has changed which can be seen through the films. Another thing that has evolved is technology and the people making the films can create things that were impossible way back when. But one thing that is quite similar throughout is the way James Bond dresses. It is always grey or dark and most people would probably find it hard to distinguish the suit that Sean Connery wears from the one Pierce Brosnan has. So little has happened with formal wear for men. The period for James Bond that sticks out is the 1970s. Roger Moore had frilly shirts, enormous bow ties and wide lapels. If nothing else it was at least a bit interesting. The one who wears the crown now is Daniel Craig and his body hugging suits are apreciated by many. They usually say that the suit makes the man. I want to change that and say that it is the man who makes the suit, because the personality, the charisma of a person can make or break an outfit.

Beautiful women (men, if you happen to be gay), lots of gadgets and toys, vodka martinis (shaken not stirred). What else could a man ask for?


måndag 12 mars 2012

The Local Firm

Swedish label The Local Firm is sailing on their way to be one of the dominant actors on the Scandinavian fashion market. The design is Scandinavian simplicity with a bit of grey gloominess. I suppose if Ingmar Bergman would have done clothes instead of films they probably would have looked something like this. The label has a point now and then but it just doesn't rock my float.
